Exploring The Way Life Works: The Science Of Biology
Mahlon Hoagland

Exploring The Way Life Works: The Science Of Biology

the science of biology

Jones & Bartlett Learning (Nov 2001)
| Paperback
384 pages | 217 x 280 mm | English
Dewey 570
LC Classification QH501 .H57 2001
LC Control No. 00067790


  • Life (Biology)
  • Science--life Sciences--biology


The Way Life Works is the perfect answer for any instructor seeking a more concise, meaningful, and flexible alternative to the standard introductory biology text. Organized around one central idea – the amazing unity that underlies biological diversity – this book presents biology's basic concepts and applications through a brilliant interweaving of incisive explanations, imaginative analogies, and stunning visual graphics. The process of science is strongly emphasized, and specific historical and current research is presented to elucidate the achievements of scientific exploration and the roles of curiosity and observation in initiating the scientific process. Easily adaptable to multiple teaching styles, this irresistably readable, innovative, and engaging new textbook is guaranteed to inspire both teachers and students alike.