Mosby's Tour Guide To Nursing School: A Student's Road Survival Kit
Melodie Chenevert RN BSN MN MA

Mosby's Tour Guide To Nursing School: A Student's Road Survival Kit

C.V. Mosby (Jul 15, 2002)
| Paperback
256 pages | 152 x 231 mm | English
Dewey 610.730711
LC Classification RT73 .C49 2002
LC Control No. 2003269692


  • Nursing - Vocational Guidance
  • Nursing Schools
  • Nursing--Study Guides


Mosby's Tour Guide to Nursing School fourth edition provides students with a realistic, humorous description of the stressful situations that nursing students typically encounter. The text offers practical advice and guidance for coping with these problems and for making the most of the nursing school experience. Helpful suggestions are provided for time management, improving study habits, surviving clinical rotations, and balancing school, work, and family obligations. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with new information. Provides a light-hearted and practical approach to getting through nursing school. Uses an easy-to-follow "road trip" theme throughout. Endorsed by the National Student Nurses Association. Offers down-to-earth advice and suggestions for improving time management and test taking skills, forming support and/or study groups, and improving oral and written reports. Describes effective strategies for dealing with stressful situations such as failure, procrastination, and depression. Addresses challenges like balancing school, work, and family obligations. Includes appendixes that provide useful information on resources for NCLEX review, questions and answers on the computerized NCLEX-RN exam, sources of scholarships and loans, and U.S. and Canadian nursing organizations. Includes new chapters on the effective use of the Internet and online sources for research and study, and on the career opportunities and possibilities in nursing. Provides updated statistics on college tuition, employment rates, and salaries. Presents information on the risk of depression and chemical use/dependency, as well as ways students can obtain help. Includes content on how both women and men can survive in nursing school.