The Phlebotomy Textbook
Susan King Strasinger | Marjorie Schaub Di Lorenzo

The Phlebotomy Textbook

F. A. Davis Company (2011)
| Paperback with CD
470 pages | 203 x 254 mm | English
Dewey 616.07/561
LC Classification RB45.15 .S774 2011
LC Control No. 2010040771


  • CD-ROMs
  • Textbook


  • Blood Specimen Collection - Methods
  • Clinical Laboratory Techniques -- Handbooks
  • Phlebotomy - Methods
  • Textbook


Please note: The CD packaged with this product is no longer compatible with most current operating systems. “Quality, safety, and education issues were obviously very much a part of the authors’ agenda. I was pleased to see the authors concentrate efforts on why procedures and techniques are performed a certain way. I believe that understanding why we do things a certain way makes for less deviation from established protocols.”―Carol Becker, MS, MLS(ASCP), Program Director, School of CLS/School of HT, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois Rely on this comprehensive resource to master the techniques required to safely obtain quality specimens and to understand the whys as well as the hows. Their 3rd Edition reflects current CLSI standards and offers greater emphasis on quality assessment and preanalytical considerations. It includes up-to-date information on safety equipment, phlebotomy techniques, laboratory information and identification systems, ethical and legal issues, medical terminology, body systems and related diagnostic laboratory tests. Routine procedures and their complications as well as specialized phlebotomy, quality control, infection control, equipment, and additional duties of the phlebotomist are all thoroughly discussed. Hundreds of new full-color illustrations • certification-style Study Questions • new Procedure and Pre-analytical Consideration boxes • and a CD-ROM with interactive student exercises and video clips make this edition even better than the last.