Student workbook for use with medical assisting
Booth, Kathryn A. | Whicker, Leesa | Wyman, Terri D.

Student workbook for use with medical assisting

Administrative and clinical procedures with anatomy and physiology

McGraw-Hill (2011)
| Paperback
969 pages | English
Dewey 610.7372069


  • Workbook


  • Medical Assistants
  • Workbook


About the AuthorTerri started her medical career as a CMA for a solo internal medical practitioner with a sub-specialty in hematology/oncology. Her interest in the administrative side of medicine blossomed when she accepted a position as home care coordinator for a homecare/DME provider. After 18 years in the medical field, a teaching opportunity presented itself and she began her career as an educator of medical assisting students, eventually becoming the director of the program. She then assisted with the creation, development and supervision of medical billing and coding programs at two separate technical schools in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She currently has returned to the medical field as the financial applications analyst at Wing Memorial Hospital in Palmer Massachusetts. She is delighted to have had the opportunity to work with McGraw-Hill and their author teams on several projects. She would like to thank Dale, Mom, Mari Lou and all of her extended family for their continued love and support.