Complex concepts made easier to understand.Nursing Care Plans are easy to read and clearly present the rationale for each action—Concept Maps provide a visual interpretation of a care plan. ENHANCED! Easier-to -read tables and a full-color design bring concepts to life. UPDATED! A&P review in an enhanced visual format.Enhance critical thinking.“Patient Perspectives” give a patient’s eye-view of the disease or condition you’re studying. Learning exercises and questions throughout help you develop your clinical judgment. Even more activities available in the workbook and online at DavisPlus. Evidence-based practice boxes within the chapter provide an in-depth look at research that supports best practices. Boxed Presentations of Cultural, Gerontological, Home Health, Ethical, and Nutritional considerations tie classroom instruction to clinical practice. NEW! 10 interactive clinical scenarios & new animations online at DavisPlus MORE! Teaching & learning resources online at DavisPlus. View now!Build a comprehensive foundation.Framework of the text is organized by the nursing process. Explore body systems and diseases with • a review of anatomy • physiology • pathophysiology • assessments • detailed nursing care for disorders • summary boxes • full chapters on CAMs • mental health • AIDS. MORE! Coverage of prison nursing NEW! Chapter resource maps in the margins of the text suggest additional resources.Ensure patient safety.NEW! Safe and Effective Care competencies, appropriate for the LPN/LVN level, offer new and updated safety tips. Learning, Nursing Care, & Safety Tips provide helpful advice to achieve best patient outcomes. English/Spanish Translations table in Appendix. NEW! Learning Outcomes at the beginning of each chapter to plan and assess progress.