What is psychology? Essentials
Clayton L. Teem | Ellen E. Pastorino | Susann M. Doyle-Portillo

What is psychology? Essentials

Test Bank

Wadsworth Publishing (2010)
| Paperback
619 pages | 226 x 274 mm | USA | en_US
Dewey 150 .Pasto 2010 c.1


  • Instructor Manual
  • Test Book


  • Nursing, examinations, questions, etc.
  • Psychology


By focusing on material most relevant to the Introductory Psychology course while maintaining the narrative flow, Ellen Pastorino and Susann Doyle-Portillo invite students to see the big picture of psychology, rather than a collection of fragmented ideas. With an unparalleled integration of diversity, applications, and critical thinking, WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? captures and holds students' interest using "The Big Picture," a real-life story of a person whose experience illustrates the concepts of the chapter. Upon entering this course, students ask, "Why should Psychology matter to me?" Drawing from their own research and first-hand work in classrooms on assessment, inclusion, and reaching under-prepared students, Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo answer this question using practical everyday examples focused on the student (e.g., asking students to design a research study based on the hypothesis that listening to rock and roll facilitates studying).