Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary

Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary

F A Davis Co (Feb 02, 2009)
| Hardcover with CD
2928 pages | 145 x 229 mm | USA | en_US | $ 41.95
Dewey 610.3 .Tab 2009
LC Classification R121 .T18 2009


  • Dictionaries
  • Electronic Books


  • Medicine - Dictionaries


To thrive in the ever-changing world of health care, you need a respected, trusted, and cutting-edge, cyclopedic resource. In hand, online, or on a mobile device, turn to Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st Edition, anytime, anywhere! Taber's 21 is today's most comprehensive health science dictionary. Under the editorial direction of Donald Venes, MD, MSJ, a team of expert consulting editors and consultants, representing every branch of health care, worked with the Taber's in-house editorial staff to ensure that the content reflects the state of the art.Cyclopedic entries that offer more than just definitions. More than 60,000 reader-friendly definitions, including 3,000 brand-new terms and 7,000 revised terms. Over 1,000 full-color illustrations in the book and DVD combined. More than 600 Patient Care Statements. Caution Statements with new, easy-to-find icon. Dozens of Allied Health and Nursing Appendices.Every print copy of Taber's 21 features the Taber'sPlus DVD. This multimedia toolkit offers a wealth of interactive activities, clinical tools, and resources including Taber's World Tour, an exploration of the dictionary's many features. Explore through sight & sound 1,000 images and hundreds of terms with their definitions and pronunciations. Taber's Audio Clear and precise pronunciations for 30,000 terms.Brain Teasers Word-building activities and games. Twelve appendices, including valuable clinical resources. Taber's Online powered by Unbound Medicine® PC and Mac access to the complete contents of the print version. FREE one-year subscription. Taber's Mobile Powered by Skyscape® PDA, web, and wireless access to the complete contents of the print version. FREE one-year download. For Instructors Upon Adoption Testbank with more than 1,100 questions, with rationales, organized by body systems. FREE Bookmarks for all of your students Taber's Cyclopedic Tutorial Image Bank For Students and Practitioners No fee. No password. No registration. More than 30 nursing animations. Clinical procedure videos and animations. So much more!