This title includes additional digital media when purchased in print format. For this digital book edition, media content is not included.Updated for the 2011 NCLEX-PN® test plan, HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination, 3rd Edition, prepares you to pass both the HESI Exit Exam and the NCLEX-PN licensure examination with an all-in-one solution. Using an easy-to-read outline format, core nursing content is organized by clinical area, with the most important information highlighted in HESI Hints and handy pharmacology tables throughout the book. The companion CD lets you review with hundreds of exclusive practice questions, each based on research and supported with rationales, providing realistic preparation for the NCLEX exam. HESI Hint boxes highlight important clinical information and concepts commonly tested on the NCLEX-PN exam. Critical thinking study questions reinforce key concepts and content, and also include answer guidelines. Detailed rationales explain correct and incorrect answer options for practice questions. Pharmacology tables summarize the need-to-know drug therapy content emphasized on the NCLEX-PN exam. Chapters organized by clinical area make it easy to find review topics. A consistent chapter format simplifies study and review. A companion CD includes 350 research-based practice questions to simulate the difficulty and the electronic format of the nursing school exit exam and the NCLEX-PN licensure examination. Updated content reflects the 2011 NCLEX-PN test plan. Increased emphasis on pharmacology includes specific test-taking strategies and integrated pharmacology content highlighted in tables. An enhanced companion CD adds questions in alternate item formats, allows you to answer questions in study, quiz, and exam modes, and is compatible with both Mac and Windows.