You Code It!
Shelley C. Safian

You Code It!

A Case Studies Workbook

McGraw Hill Higher Education (2008)
| Paperback
528 pages | 23 x 274 mm | USA | en_US | $ 60.35
Dewey 616.0014 .Buc 2008


  • Medical Assistants--Coding
  • Medical Coding


You Code It! A Case Studies Workbook provides extensive coding practice for students to expand their training and experience. The case studies and patient records provide exercises and sample patient records for more than 25 specialties for focused coding practice. In addition, students can use this book for preparation to sit for a national certification exam or going to a job interview. This workbook provides extensive, hands-on practice for learning to code. The cases in this book are real patient charts (redacted) from physicians’ offices and hospitals in different parts of the country. It is a student-friendly workbook presenting case studies for the practice of abstracting health care professionals’ documentation and accurately translating the facts into the best, most accurate codes.