Basic Pharmacology For Nurses
Bruce D. Clayton | Michelle Willihnganz

Basic Pharmacology For Nurses

Elsevier (Nov 20, 2012)
| Paperback
912 pages | 216 x 277 mm | USA | en_US
Dewey 615.1 .Cla 2012 c.3
LC Control No. 2012036359


  • Medical / Nursing / General
  • Medical / Nursing / Pharmacology
  • Medical / Pharmacology
  • Medical / Pharmacy
  • Nursing--Pharmacology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacology -- Nurses' Instruction


Basic Pharmacology for Nurses is a modern classic nursing pharmacology textbook known for its impeccably accurate drug content and its practical applications of the nursing process. A consistent emphasis on health promotion through monitoring and patient education is a hallmark of the book. Introductory units ground the reader in basic principles of pharmacology and medication administration. Subsequent body-system units apply the nursing process to every major disorder, and appropriate nursing implications are discussed for every drug class to promote safe medication administration.Provides an overview of relevant pathophysiology with an application of the nursing process in each drug chapter, followed by nursing implications for each applicable drug class.Covers the pharmacology of all major classes of drugs, emphasizing side effects to expect, side effects to report, drug interactions, and more.Emphasizes patient education and health promotion with easy-to-recognize Patient Teaching boxes and reproducible Patient Self-Assessment forms on the Evolve site.Provides need-to-know coverage of herbal therapies and dietary supplements with an Herbal and Dietary Supplement Therapy chapter and Complementary and Alternative Therapies boxes throughout.Increased emphasis on medication safety prepares nurses to practice more safely in a clinical environment that is both more pressured and more focused than ever on reducing drug errors. The increased emphasis includes Chapter 7: Principles of Medication Administration, do-not-confuse icons, and an icon to signal ISMP's "high alert" drugs.As the focus on pharmacology on the NCLEX continues to increase, chapter-ending Get Ready for the NCLEX(R) Examination sections include Key Points, Additional Learning Resources, and Review Questions for the NCLEX Examination.Updated coverage of the most recent FDA approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses provide impeccably accurate and current content to ensure safe drug therapy.Updated and streamlined coverage of nursing care with a focus on the need-to-know material helps students focus on the most current, need-to-know content.