Original Sin #6A

Original Sin


Original Sin - Open Your Eye

Release: Jul 16, 2014
Cover: Jul 16, 2014
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
9.4$ 4.00
Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover
| Comic | 28 pages | $ 3.99

Doctor Midas and his daughter board a spacecraft to return to the moon. The real Nick Fury explains that the Infinity Formula that has kept him alive is exhausted, and as a result he is aging rapidly and will soon die. He has called a divese collection of heroes to him so that one of them may succeed him as the Man on the Wall. The heroes are incedulous, even thinking Nick has become mentally ill. They claim they save the world "the right way"; Nick says what he's been doing is why they can retain that naivete. On Earth, Tony accidently triggers a self-destruct in a Nick Fury LMD, "Andrew", and this alerts Nick. He flees deeper into his complex, and demands the Orb explain how he got the Watcher's eye to reveal its secrets. The Orb believes the eye "liked him". Nick's invited heroes and eliminated his small army of LMDs and the Avengers, following the destroyed LMD's signal, have arrived. All of them now confront an armed and armored Nick Fury. He's dying, but as long as he's not dead he has his job...

Creators View all

Writer Jason Aaron
Artist Mike Deodato Jr.
Cover Painter Julian Totino Tedesco
Colorist Frank Martin Jr.
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Editor Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss, Jake Thomas
Editor in Chief Axel Alonso

Characters View all

Spider-Man Peter Parker
Captain America Steve Rogers
Iron Man Anthony 'Tony' Stark
Hulk Robert Bruce Banner
Wolverine James 'Logan' Howlett
Doctor Strange Stephen Strange
Thor Thor Odinson
Black Widow Natasha Romanoff
Black Panther T'Challa
Nicholas 'Nick' Fury Sr.
Punisher Frank Castle
Luke Cage
Captain Marvel Carol Danvers
Watcher Uatu
Emma Frost
Moon Knight Marc Spector
Gamora Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan
Rocket Raccoon
Ant-Man Scott Lang
Winter Soldier James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes
Mindless Ones
Falcon Samuel 'Sam' Wilson
Exterminatrix Oubliette Midas
Orb (Zadkiel agent)
Cosmic Man Midas


Owner Matt DeJonge
Genre Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
My Rating
Storage Box Local Collection
Index 141
Added Date Jul 17, 2014 01:27:25
Modified Date Jan 07, 2025 04:11:35


Grade and value 9.4 Near Mint ($ 4.00)
Purchased Jul 16, 2014 for $ 3.59 at The Comics Club