Release: Aug 1987
Cover: Aug 1987
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Newsstand Edition
| Comic | 32 pages | $ 0.75
The Silver Surfer returns to Zenn-La to discover that his beloved Shalla Bal has become Empress, due in large part to his gift of power to her during Silver Surver Vol. 2 #1. She hosts a Skrull ambassador, who pleads for her aid in the coming Kree-Skrull war. The ambassador's agents try their best to kill the Silver Surfer, only to learn their best is not nearly good enough. Norrin reveals to Shalla Bal that the Skrulls have lost their shape shifting abilities. He swears to protect Zenn-La's neutrality in the coming war. Sadly, he also discovers that he and Shalla-Bal have no life together at this point, due to her duties as empress.