Legend Of Fall Creek

Legend Of Fall Creek

Uncork'd Entertainment (2021)
Crime | Drama | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
USA | English | Color
WEBRip Xvid
| 1 disc

On a chilly Halloween night in 1988, Fall Creek Valley turned upside down when Robert “Bobby” Maxwell disappeared from a party. On the 20 Year Anniversary, BLOODY BOBBY seeks revenge on his tormentors who sealed his fate with a blood pact.

Cast View all

Frank Brantley Rick Odekirk
Alton Clemente Oswald Jeffrey Gacy
Chuck Clendenin Blue Alien
Curt Clendenin Reggie
Christopher DeMaci William Anderson
Lance Duies Nikki Sixx
Ben Guppy Glen Rossi
Jean Louis Hunt Motorcycle Jesus
Christy Keller Tiffany Woodruff
Sundeep Koneru Dispatcher Pooter
Courtney Lace Pocahontas
Anita Leeman Torres Madison Gellar
Julia Mack Deli LaTuna
Luis Marquez Superduperhero
Jen Mathiasen Slutty Bee
Ryan McGonagle 'Big' Dick McGee
Robert Miano Old Man Granger
Jessica Morris Crystal Cochran
Danny Myers Igor
Tommy Nash Ash Simpson
Dave Newman Beer Pong Ghoulie
Tom E. Nicholson Edward
Stasia Patwell Erica Stafford
Arvindan Ramesh Bloody Jabawaki
Samuel Rosenbaum Bloody Vampire


Owner Jackmeats Flix
Location Deleted
Purchased Feb 10, 2021 at YTS
Quantity 1
Seen Oct 27, 2021
Added Date Feb 10, 2021 06:13:58
Modified Date


My quick rating - 2,3/10. Grindhouse feature presentation? Just saying that at the beginning and using a filter to show the grainy pops on certain scenes does NOT make it a grindhouse flick. Having excruciatingly bad acting, however, is one of the ingredients and this one surely nailed that. I think the editing may have been performed with a set of scissors as well which could be the only explanation for how poor it was. Also, you would think a slasher flick, with all the tropes, you may want to make sure the kills are about the only scenes that come through visually. NOPE, not in this one. Those scenes are the ones that are butchered beyond belief, not the characters being killed. To make things a bit more confusing about this #turkey is the fact it is a prequel to "Black Pumpkin" which rating-wise is in the same ballpark BUT it seems there is NO mention of the fact that this movie is identical to "Bloody Bobby" which came out in 2016, 2 years before the "Black Pumpkin" Not really sure why they decided to act like there never was the first, and re-released that as a prequel. It isn't like any of them were any good or made a shitload of money. Most likely for the reason, I am writing about it, to get people talking about it. So the story is simple, in 1988 a kid named Bobby is tormented and disappears at a party. 20 years later, he is back for revenge. In this flick, the kids now adults get together including a completely underdeveloped twin named Reggie. His brother Alex apparently has been pretty reclusive since then. What this has to do with this story is not apparent at all. It chugs its way to a pointless ending, and lead in to a sequel, which we already knows happens and NO I am not going to find it to see if it gets any better. This one sucked plenty for the both (or all 3 really) so I'll move on. You should to and find better to watch for #shocktober


1280x720 23fps