A House On The Bayou

A House On The Bayou

Blumhouse Productions (2021)
Horror | Thriller
USA | English | Color | 01:29
WEBRip Xvid
| 1 disc

In an effort to reconnect and mend their relationship, a troubled couple and their preteen daughter seek an idyllic getaway to a remote mansion in rural Louisiana. But when unexpected visitors arrive, their facade of family unity starts to unravel, as terrifying secrets come to light.


Owner Jackmeats Flix
Location Flix To be Burnt
Purchased Nov 21, 2021 at GalaxyRG
Quantity 1
Seen Nov 22, 2021 at home w/bec
Added Date Nov 21, 2021 11:32:57
Modified Date


My quick rating - 5,5/10. I rather enjoyed this one. It really sneaks up on you in the family on vacation story that isn't as it seems. The family here is in a bit of turmoil at home and decides to head out to, well, check the title. Writer/director Alex McAulay does a nice job with dropping us some clever dialogue and hints as to what might be in store though. Being out in the middle of nowhere, they are cordially invited to a locals place for dinner but when the new guests are welcomed in the true nature of their intentions begins to show. Jacob Lofland as Isaac pretty much steals the show here as the hillbilly type youth that has some nefarious ideas of his own. But the beauty of this whole thing is that it will take a few twists from start to finish that you may not see coming. Now that I said that, you'll be a bit prepared but it is worth checking out for yourself. Strangely the acting throughout this flick is quite good leading to some dramatic moments in between the tension. This one isn't going to be for the gorehounds but rather just an intelligent horror movie that does lean more into the thriller category with a sprinkle of supernatural. It won't be making your top ten lists but still a decent nights entertainment.


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