Paris La Ville à Remonter Le Temps

Paris, The Great Saga

Paris La Ville à Remonter Le Temps

Canalsat (2012)
TV Series | Documentaires
France | Français | Color
| 1 disc

Paris, 5,000 years of History: an exclusive journey through time. Discover Paris as you've never imagined it through the stories of men and women caught up in its stormy fate, through the events that shaped this age-old city along with the daily life that filled it. Paris, The Great Saga lets you relive theses adventures through fictional reenactments and CGI effects made by Dassault Systemes.


Ornella Bes Sainte Geneviève

Episodes View details

1 Capital of Change 60 min | Dec 20, 2013

Some archeologists found the first signs of Paris’ habitation on the side of the Seine (Nowadays Bercy). The decline of the Roman Empire allowed Christians to take control of the city. Urbanistic ambitions brought in the expansion of the left bank, the creation of the Cardo (Nowadays rue Saint-Jacques) as well as the construction of the forum and the thermal baths.

2 Capital of Kings 60 min | Dec 20, 2013

This period is a great architectural revolution, several monuments were built and became strong symbols of Paris. King Philippe Auguste made the Louvre his first residence. In 1163, the first stones of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral were laid, meanwhile the king Saint-Louis constructed the Sainte-Chapelle in order to store Christ’s relics bought in Constantinople.

3 Capital of Revolutions 60 min | Dec 20, 2013

The Parisians changed the course of history when their uprising led to the storming of the Bastille prison and burning of the city hall in 1789. Some of the great symbols of oppression collapsed and institutions maturated. Baron Haussmann began numerous construction works to rebuild the Capital including creating broad avenues linked to the main train-stations, uniform building heights, use of gas and the completion of the Arc de Triomphe and the Invalides.

4 Capital of Modernity 60 min | Dec 20, 2013

The century that gave birth to the genius of several architects and scientists. Gustave Eiffel completes his masterpiece, his great tower. The local population commutes by a new kind of train, the Metropolitan. Intellectuals and artists make the capital their home. From Montparnasse to Saint-Germain-des-Prés through Montmartre, the city of light is at the top of creation, diversity and exchange.


Owner Serge Algarotti
Quantity 1
Added Date Sep 23, 2016 10:22:46
Modified Date Apr 13, 2019 18:29:36

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