Set in a 19th-century European village, this stop-motion animation feature follows the story of Victor, a young man whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious corpse bride, while his real bride Victoria waits bereft in the land of the living.
Johnny Depp | Victor Van Dort | |
Helena Bonham Carter | Corpse Bride | |
Emily Watson | Victoria Everglot | |
Tracey Ullman | Nell Van Dort | |
Paul Whitehouse | William Van Dort | |
Joanna Lumley | Maudeline Everglot | |
Albert Finney | Finis Everglot | |
Richard E. Grant | Barkis Bittern | |
Christopher Lee | Pastor Galswells | |
Michael Gough | Elder Gutknecht | |
Jane Horrocks | Black Widow Spider | |
Enn Reitel | Maggot | |
Deep Roy | General Bonesapart | |
Danny Elfman | Bonejangles | |
Stephen Ballantyne | Emil | |
Lisa Kay | Solemn Village Boy |
Director | Tim Burton | |
Mike Johnson | ||
Writer | Tim Burton, Carlos Grangel, John August, Caroline Thompson, Pamela Pettler | |
Producer | Allison Abbate, Jeffrey Auerbach, Tim Burton, Derek Frey, Joe Ranft, Tracy Shaw | |
Musician | Danny Elfman | |
Photography | Pete Kozachik |