In this goofy comedy, Mark Ruffalo (ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND) stars as Alex, a struggling painter going through a particularly bad patch. Dumped by his girlfriend and unable to get work, Alex finds his life taking a rare upswing when he moves into a new apartment and falls for his neighbor, Lori (Beth Ulrich). But when things start to go wrong between Alex and Lori, their close proximity to each another proves to have an enormous downside, leading to further amusing antics as Ruffalo proves his comedic chops.
Mark Ruffalo | Alex | |
Beth Ulrich | Lori | |
Alan Gelfant | Ray | |
Manuel Cabral | Loverboy | |
Mary Coleston | Sylvia | |
Krystina Carson | Darlene (Parrot Girl) | |
Michael J. Saul | Gallery Owner | |
Rick Peters | Lori's Bad Date | |
Timothy McNeil | Alex's Boss | |
Ralph Rangel | Alex's Co-Worker | |
Geoffrey Hughes | Marco | |
Laurel Green | Coyote Date | |
Sheri Bagley | Ilene | |
Thea Constantine | Linda | |
Don Deforest Paul | Cop | |
Christopher Thornton | Pretentious Artist | |
Sean Howse | Pretentious Artist | |
Darren Crouch | Rude Elevator Guy/Art Gallery Patron | |
Patricia Rivera Crouch | Other Suit/Art Gallery Patron | |
Emad Ghobrial | Other Suit | |
Don Presley | Other Suit | |
Lorraine Kraus | Other Suit/Art Gallery Patron | |
Sherry Kelso | Other Suit | |
Jon Boatwright | Guy in Bar | |
Lois Bootzin | Neighbor Lady |
Director | Dan Bootzin | |
Writer | Dan Bootzin, Elizabeth Rivera Bootzin | |
Producer | Elizabeth Rivera Bootzin, Lawrence Lewis | |
Photography | Denise Brassard |