This classic family drama stars Shirley Temple as young orphan Susannah Sheldon, the sole survivor of a brutal Indian attack who's befriended by Canadian Mountie Angus Montague (Randolph Scott) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Margaret Lockwood). The couple takes Susannah under their wing and soon learn that having a precocious child around can come in handy; when the Indians return, the girl uses her charm to broker peace.Shirley is the orphaned survivor of an Indian attack in the Canadian West. A Mountie and his girlfriend take her in...
Shirley Temple | Susannah Sheldon | |
Randolph Scott | Monty - Inspector Angus Montague | |
Margaret Lockwood | Vicky Standing | |
Martin Good Rider | Little Chief | |
J. Farrell MacDonald | Pat O'Hannegan | |
Maurice Moscovitch | Chief Big Eagle | |
Moroni Olsen | Supt. Andrew Standing | |
Victor Jory | Wolf Pelt | |
Lester Matthews | Harlan Chambers | |
Leyland Hodgson | Randall | |
Herbert Evans | Doctor | |
Jack Luden | Williams | |
Charles Irwin | Sergeant MacGregor | |
John Sutton | Corporal Piggott | |
Eddie Big Beaver | Indian | |
Chief John Big Tree | Chief | |
John Little Blaze | Indian | |
Charles Iron Breast | Indian | |
Ann Bupp | Young Girl | |
Russ Clark | Workman | |
Chief Victor Coward | Indian | |
Larry Dods | Inspector Churchill | |
Tom Spotted Eagle | Indian | |
Herbert Heywood | Hostler | |
Jack Kenny | Railwayman attacked by an indian |
Director | William A. Seiter | |
Walter Lang | ||
Writer | Robert Ellis, Helen Logan, Fidel LaBarba, Walter Ferris, Muriel Dennison, Kenneth Earl, Rian James, Bess Meredyth, Larry Rhine, George O. Noville | |
Producer | Kenneth Macgowan, Darryl F. Zanuck | |
Musician | R.H. Bassett, David Buttolph, Charles Maxwell | |
Photography | Arthur C. Miller |