A Man Without Equal
Bill Bright

A Man Without Equal

Jesus, The Man Who Changed The World

| Mass Market Paperback
New Life Publications | 1992
Dewey 232
LC Classification 4562


  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Jesus Christ
  • Religion / Biblical Studies / General
  • Religion / Biblical Studies / New Testament
  • Religion / Christian Life / General
  • Religion / Christian Ministry / Evangelism


�Por qu� millones de personas en todo el mundo est�n tan entusiasmadas con Jesucristo hoy en d�a?Explora la vida de la persona m�s singular de la historia ...Dondequiera que el verdadero mensaje de Jesucristo haya llegado, la gente y las naciones se han revolucionado, dando lugar a una nueva vida, una nueva esperanza y un nuevo prop�sito para vivir. De hecho, sin temor a equivocarnos, podemos considerar a Jesucristo como el revolucionario m�s grande de la historia.Todo en �l era �nico: las profec�as de su venida; su nacimiento; su vida; sus ense�anzas; sus milagros; su muerte; su resurrecci�n; su influencia en la historia y en la vida de cientos de millones de personas.Bas�ndose en m�s de 45 a�os de investigaci�n, el autor muestra el impacto que tuvo Jes�s en la sociedad y c�mo sigue cambiando la forma en la que vivimos y pensamos hoy. Un tema convincente para cualquiera que quiera echar una nueva mirada al Hombre m�s grande que jam�s haya vivido.Why are millions of people around the world so excited about Jesus Christ today?Explore the life of the most unique person in history ...Wherever the true message of Jesus Christ has reached, people and nations have been revolutionized, giving rise to new life, new hope and a new purpose for living. In fact, we can safely consider Jesus Christ as the greatest revolutionary in history.Everything about him was unique: the prophecies of his coming; his birth; his life; his teachings; his miracles; his death; his resurrection; his influence on history and the lives of hundreds of millions of people.Based on over 45 years of research, the author shows the impact Jesus had on society and how he continues to change the way we live and think today. A compelling subject for anyone who wants to take a fresh look at the greatest Man who ever lived.