Finding Glimpses Of Glory In Ordinary Days
Everyone yearns for the mountaintop. We search for the conference that will (God willing) be life-changing. The moment when everything in our lives will neatly come together. (It could happen.) Yet daily experience teaches us that we don’t — and probably never could — permanently live at such heights. The opposite is also true. Tragedies touch our lives every now and then. When they do we hold on to God with all our might — because He’s the only thing that’s real to us in those times. But just like life at the heights, life in “the pit” is not the norm.The truth is, most of life is lived somewhere between Mt. Everest and the Grand Canyon. We reside at the corner of Mundane and Grace. The bad news? It gets boring and a little tough to keep going. The good news? That’s exactly where God wants you. With light-hearted humor, gentle encouragement, and a healthy dose of wisdom and insight, Chris Fabry reveals the beauty in where you are today — encouraging you to step forward in faith and to encounter God as you have never before At the Corner of Mundane and Grace.You will laugh, cry, and pray as Chris Fabry takes you to the corner of Mundane and Grace. He writes with wonderful, penetrating, down-to-earth insights into both human foibles and the wonders of God’s grace. At the corner of Mundane and Grace you will see God in your life in the most marvelous ways.--Charles W. Colson, Prison Fellowship MinistriesIf your life is rather ordinary, this book will lead you to the extraordinary stuff that God has hidden in your daily routines.--Joseph M. Stowell, President, Moody Bible InstituteA big problem in our Christian faith is that we think God is with us only in the pew, when we’re spit-shined and all tucked in. Chris Fabry tells us otherwise — that God is with us when we’re elbow-deep in dirty diapers, when our marriages are faltering, when the kids are sick and the dog is dying.--Philip Gulley, Author, Front Porch TalesWarm, witty, winsome! This happy volume will have a special place in my heart and in my home. I predict that others who taste and feast will be delighted and nourished as I have been.--Adrian Rogers, Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church