Faith Unplugged For Guys
Jason Jackson

Faith Unplugged For Guys

Stories For Guys To Challenge What You Believe And How You Live

| Paperback
Honor Books | 2009
Dewey 248.8
LC Classification 3866


  • Christian Teenagers
  • Conduct Of Life
  • Religious Life
  • Teenage Boys - Conduct Of Life - Juvenile Literature
  • Teenage Boys - Religious Life - Juvenile Literature


Teen life is much more complicated these days than just getting up and going to school. Many teens face hostile school environments, depressed friends, or friends who are facing the consequences of painful choices.Teens face enormous temptations, too—everything from drugs to sex to online temptations. That is why Faith Unplugged, a collection of true-to-life stories about issues that challenge teens, is so important for today's generation.Each story also comes with life insights: DOWNLOAD tells you what God has to say about the situation in the story. FAITH UNPLUGGED is a simple rule of thumb to help you make wise decisions. FAITH LINK helps you begin dialogue with God honestly and clearly. POWER UP holds you accountable for your decisions and helps you see beyond the obvious.