For The Love Of God's Kids
Wally Dennison | Sara EstherLuna Cezar

For The Love Of God's Kids

in Brazil, a Jesus-like role model to the world

| Hardcover
Guardian Books | 2007
Dewey 266.68
LC Classification 4939


  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Abandoned Children
  • Baptists
  • Brazil
  • Campo Bom Region
  • Missions


"Reading For the Love of God's Kids is imperative for anyone serious about the dreadful plight of the world's street children. It is insightful, inspiring and describes a model response for churches and denominations world-wide." Dr. Herman L. Effa, retired missionary and former director of the NAB International Missions Department. "Wally has come into the world of helping those who are suffering. He received a short glimpse of the needs and challenges that face this kind of work daily on an ongoing basis. My belief is this portrayal will bring the reader alongside the author to have a better appreciation of what goes on in God's kingdom, often invisible to large portions of society. My desire is to see this outreach replicated wherever people have the heart and courage to face up to this challenge." Rev. Ken Bayer, co-founder of the CHAIN of Love. "Wally Dennison is a passionate man whose heart has clearly been captured by God's love for underprivileged children. His desire to make a difference for this cause will both warm and challenge your heart." Tim Schroeder, Senior Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, Kelowna, B.C. Author Bio: Wally Dennison lives in Kelowna, B.C. -- an area he calls the "loveliest region in the greatest country in the world." A naturalized Canadian, Wally is a University of Detroit graduate who edited a Texas camp newspaper in the army, and reported for the old Detroit Times before its death in 1960. His three years at the old Columbus Citizen-Journal in Ohio brought several state and national writing awards. Following six months with the Milwaukee Journal, Wally moved with an ex-wife to her hometown of Winnipeg, where he was a reporter, editor, features, andbusiness writer with the Winnipeg Free Press. His son, Stephen, and two grandchildren reside in Winnipeg.