Adoniram and Ann Judson
The two young Burmese girls had dreaded leaving their father, but he told them the only safe thing was for the two of them to go live with the American missionaries, Adoniram and Ann Judson. May-Lo and Len-Lay really aren't sure what the danger is, and they don't know what to believe about their American foster parents. Could the accusations that the missionaries were English spies be true? When the Judsons leave the city of Rangoon to establish a mission work in Ava, the Golden City, the girls are taken along on the dangerous river trip that will separate them form their father by 350 miles. Their arrival is followed by eventual disaster. When the British attack the Burmese, all the white foreigners are hauled off to the Death Prison. Should the girls tell the authorities what they know? Or will they all end up in the Death Prison? Recommended for ages 8 to 12.