According to the way that we normally measure “success” and “progress,” things seem to be going in the wrong direction, writes author Pete Briscoe. Western Christianity, as a whole, is losing ground. The data indicates that the North American church is following the footsteps of our European spiritual ancestors into post-Christian society. Briscoe calls this time in history “Dry Lands.” And its symptoms include Christians feeling spiritually thirsty and tired, like they’ve been wandering through brush and thistles. They may even start to wonder, “Does it really matter? Is it really worth it?” Pete and his wife felt that way. After a particularly difficult year, they were just about ready to call it quits. With refreshing candor, Briscoe asks, “Don’t we all draw back and question the very premise of our faith”? How about you? Are you experiencing your own trial in the “dry land” of life? If so, you’re not alone. But take heart. Help is on the way. According to Briscoe, there’s a flood coming. A flood of God’s Spirit to rain down on this world. A tsunami of praise that’s rising up across the globe. “For the sake of your soul and the strength of your church, it’s time to be submerged in the life-giving waters of God’s global passions,” he writes. The Surge provides encouragement and hope to Christians who feel too weary to continue. It’s a book for people who live in a “dry land” – and desperately need God to refresh them.