The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught
Neta Jackson

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught

Yada Yada Prayer Group #5
| Paperback
Thomas Nelson | 2006
Dewey JAC
LC Classification 5170


  • Adult Fiction


  • Christian Women/ Fiction
  • Female Friendship
  • Female Friendship/ Fiction
  • Women
  • Women/ Illinois/ Fiction


The Yada Yada sisters toughened their prayer knees when a vicious attack, meant to stir up hate and division, became instead a witness of hope and reconciliation. But they soon find themselves trapped in circumstances that expose the subtle lies they believe about themselves, God, each other, and life! Ruth and Ben are caught in an unplanned pregnancy - in their fifties! Chanda is caught by the glitter of her dream come true - winning the lottery. Florida moves her family, hoping to leave troubles behind - but finds they caught up to her. Avis is caught between her new husband and a daughter who "runs home to mama" from an abusive marriage. Uptown Community and New Morning discover that merging their congregations is fraught with pitfalls that strain their good intentions. And Jodi Baxter, who just wants a "normal" life, is discovering that God's ways are bigger than her ways - and He just might ask her to speak the truth and walk unfamiliar paths.