Jesus, The One And Only
Beth Moore | Dale McCleskey

Jesus, The One And Only

| Hardcover
B&H Publishing Group | 2002
Dewey 232
LC Classification 2184
LC Control No. 2002066527


  • Jesus Christ
  • Religion / Biblical Biography / New Testament
  • Religion / Biblical Studies / Jesus, The Gospels & Acts
  • Religion / Biblical Studies / New Testament
  • Religion / Christian Life / Inspirational


In her previous books, Beth Moore has introduced her readers to David and Paul. In Jesus, the One and Only, Beth introduces them to an intimate Savior as they get a close-up and personal portrait of the life of Jesus the Messiah.But this is far more than just a work on the life of Christ. As He has done in the past, God uses Beth’s words to woo the reader into a romance with the One and Only. The reader comes to know Christ personally, watching and listening as He breaks up a funeral by raising the dead, confronts conniving religious leaders of His day, teaches on a Galilean hillside, or walks on the waves and calms the storm.