Enter the world of Elsie Dinsmore! These nineteenth-century fictional chronicles of a beautiful young heiress in the Civil War South have captivated generations of 10- to 14-year-old readers eager to follow Elsie's life from childhood to motherhood and beyond.
In this first volume in The Original Elsie Dinsmore Series, sweet, motherless eight-year-old Elsie struggles with several bewildering problems. She has never known her mother, and her relationship with her father is filled with misunderstanding and tears. The young girl learns to depend wholly upon her faith in her heavenly father.He, however, has sent her off to be raised atRoselands, his brother's plantation, where her teacher, Miss Day, harshly critisizes her and her cousins tease her relentlessly.
As Elsie learnsto handle her problems, she begins to learn more about herself. And as her faith in herheavenly father grows, she learns what it means to be a child of God.the result is a story that insoires and challenges, and readers will take delight in how Elsie comes to depend completely upon faith in God for the peace and happiness she seeks.