Strategies, Techniques, And Approaches To Thinking
Sandra Luz Martinez de Castillo

Strategies, Techniques, And Approaches To Thinking

Critical Thinking Cases In Nursing

Saunders (2006)
| Paperback with CD
272 pages | 213 x 272 mm
Dewey 610


  • CD-ROMs
  • Workbook


  • Critical Thinking -- Study And Teaching -- United States -- Problems, Exercises, Etc.
  • Nursing -- Decision Making -- Problems, Exercises, Etc.
  • Nursing -- Examinations, Questions, Etc.
  • Workbook


Designed to help readers develop critical thinking skills for nursing practice, this hands-on worktext presents over 80 realistic case studies and patient care scenarios commonly encountered in the clinical setting. Using a straightforward, readable approach, it establishes a fundamental knowledge base and reinforces key nursing concepts and principles. Guiding readers through the application, analysis, and synthesis of knowledge in clinical situations, it also integrates the nursing process and applies it to critical thinking. Over 80 patient cases, including progressive cases that build as complications occur. Section One reinforces fundamental concepts and principles pertinent to nursing practice and demonstrates how learned knowledge is applied to patient care situations. Section Two helps readers prioritize and make sound clinical decisions, using the nursing process to guide readers through assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, and implementation. Section Three presents clinical situations using an intershift report format. Relevant and irrelevant information is provided, encouraging readers to analyze and interpret information based on the presenting situation. Section Four uses case studies to focus on the development of management and leadership skills. Section Five provides answers for selected case studies, whereas answers for other case studies are not provided so students and instructors have the opportunity for open dialogue during clinical conferences or classroom discussions. Unique case studies address important issues in current practice such as bioterrorism and environmental disasters, leadership and delegation, pharmacology, and culture. Multiple-choice review questions at the end of Section One reinforce case study applications. Evaluate a Situation exercises help readers apply critical thinking skills. A companion CD-ROM packaged with the book includes randomly-generated, multiple-choice test questions and answer feedback to provide additional practice in thinking critically and early preparation for the NCLEX examination.