Case Studies In Clinical Nursing
This easy-to-use workbook presents realistic case studies and patient care scenarios encountered in the clinical setting to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills. Using a straightforward, readable style, it builds a fundamental knowledge base and reinforces nursing concepts and principles. Guiding readers through the application, analysis, and synthesis of knowledge in clinical situations, it also integrates learned knowledge with the nursing process tradition and applies it to critical thinking. The step-by-step organization throughout continually reinforces critical thinking and analysis. Section One reinforces fundamental concepts and principles pertinent to nursing practice and demonstrates how learned knowledge is applied to patient care situations. Section Two helps readers prioritize and make sound clinical decisions. The nursing process is included in this section. Section Three presents clinical situations using an intershift report format. Relevant and irrelevant information is provided to encourage analyzing and interpreting data based on the presenting situation. Includes flow charts to assist in gathering further data. Answers for selected case studies are provided in Section Four. Ten new case studies have been added to further emphasize leadership and management ― including key areas such as delegation. Test questions are included with selected case studies to test content knowledge and to prepare students for examinations.