Release: Jun 1982
Cover: Jun 1982
Bronze Age | Color | USA | English
Direct Edition
Comic | 32 pages | $ 0.60
Power Man tosses Iron Fist across the pit before surrendering! Princess Azir wishes to know about Abe Brown's experiences in neighboring Murtakesh, which he no longer remembers. So she'll torture him, making Power Man watch! A pair of servants intercepts Danny, and he learns from them their fears of worse oppression if Halwan and Murtakesh cannot settle their differences peaceably. Watching Azir threaten Abe is enough motivation: Luke bursts his chains and they flee! Danny, guided by servants, finds a room where they say Jeryn is, but then encounters Ninotchka! It seems she and Boris are here with a Russian ambassador, and she will not let Danny free Jeryn! Abe Brown remembers - dimly - some connection to a "Black Tiger". And catching a bullet across his forehead that knocked him cold and stole his memories! When Boris realizes invaders are killing everyone, he teams up with Luke and they eventually overcome these. Danny "dances" with Ninotchka for a time, but eventually surprises and overpowers her. But when they break in to rescue Jeryn, they discover he has negotiated a strong trade agreement sufficient to prevent Russian annexation of either state!