Release: May 1984
Cover: Jul 1984
Bronze Age | Color | USA | English
Direct Edition
Comic | 32 pages | $ 0.60
The Heroes nab a couple of thieves who made the mistake of shooting at them. Tossed a quarter "to make it worth his while", Cage is irked by the idea that he's purely a mercenary. So when Zeno Saturn wants to hire the Heroes as bodyguards, Danny has to talk his partner into accepting. But accept they do, and escort him to his birthday at the Kreeger home. There they save him from the Hammer of Judgement, but the villain escapes! They discover a maze of underground tunnels and face another attack from the Hammer, before Zeno Saturn breaks down: he is not Mort Kreeger at all, but Paul Emery. When Kreeger was electrocuted, Saturn's management team made the switch to keep the money train rolling. Kreeger's family concocted a plot to prove their son was dead after seeing a candid photo taken at a dentist's office, and knowing their son was allergic to novocaine. With Cage's cooperation, the truth comes out; the Saturn management team wanted to hire people they were sure would work for their money regardless of morals. They were wrong...